A. Banerji
School of
Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kollam Dist. 690525
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Dr. Asoke Banerji |
Dr. Asoke Banerji is Distinguished Professor at
Amrita School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala. The
main thrust of research activities of Professor Banerji’s group has been
directed towards emerging areas of natural product chemistry and Biotechnology.
He gave a new direction to the natural product research by purpose-oriented
investigation of the plant extracts following reverse pharmacological approach.
During the course of research work, an array of natural products belonging to
different groups (medicinal as well as other activities) were isolated and
characterized. Professor Banerji has several patents to his credit. In addition
to medicinal compounds, he has contributed to other areas also such as natural
dyes, biopesticides, bioremediation, biotransformation, high-value
agrochemicals. As a result of screening of indigenous flora, several insect
growth regulators (IGR), both phytoecdysoids and juvenoids, were isolated and
characterized. Processes for their preparation in commercial scale have been
developed. Some of the isolated phytoecdysoids are being used in the commercial
formulations for use in sericulture
isolated. A list of selected publications of Dr. Banerji, provided at
the end of this article will give the readers an idea about the span of his
work in phytochemistry.
Indigenous plant sources of insect
growth regulators (both phytoecdysterones
and juvenoids) have been identified.
Viable methods for their commercial preparations have been established. Optimum
doses and timing of application of IGRs for sericulture determined. In addition
to sericulture, phytoecdysterones are
also useful as food supplement (nutraceuticals) or for fortifying existing
health foods/supplements and important biochemical tool for genetic
Insect growth regulators (IGRs) such as
juvenile and moulting hormones or their analogs (juvenoids and ecdysoids) when
used judiciously, have been found to be useful in sericulture industry. In
addition, ecdysoids also show a variety of other uses such as insecticidal, as
biochemical tool in gene expression studies, as wound healing and anabolic
agents ( body building agents with enhancing
protein synthesis), as nutraceuticals and cosmetics (hair growth) IGRs
occur in insects in very small amounts and are not practical source for these
phytochemicals. However, with the discovery of their occurrence in significant
quantities in some plants, IGRs and their analogs became easily available in
substantial amounts. As a result, many new bioactivities of ecdysoids and
juvenoids were discovered. Besides use
in sericulture, they have found applications in apiculture and aquaculture
(prawns). Ecdysoids show remarkable anabolic activities in human and are very
much in demand as nutraceuticals (food supplements) including body building
agent. Realizing the economic potential of IGRs, bioprospection for these
compounds from indigenous plant sources was undertaken. Our survey indicated
that a large number plants belonging to different taxa contain IGRs. Our focus
was on plants showing insecticidal activities and two main IGRs, viz. ecdysteroids
(ecdysterone analogs) and juvenoids (juvenile hormone analogs). Suitable
bioassays for each of the activities were established and about 500 plants were
screened for IGRs. This resulted in the discovery of several sources of IGRs
from different geographical locations.
India is one of the largest silk
producing countries. Mulberry silk accounts for most of the silk produced in
India. Three other species namely, Eri, Tasar and Muga are mainly grown in the
north-eastern India. India is also one of the major consumers of silk. Sericulture,
the agro-industry of cocoon and silk production is the source of income of
several marginal farmers of India. However there is a shortfall of 7000 metric
tonnes of silk fibre within the country. The silk production in India needs
improvement in quantity as well as quality compared to other silk producing
countries. Central Sericulture Research and Training Institute (CSRTI), Mysore
has been involved in the improvement of the mulberry seri-technology in a holistic
way. However there is considerable scope of improving the varieties of silk
produced in north eastern India.
Sericulture is a labour intensive
agro-based industry which provides additional income to marginal farmers. Substantial part of labour in sericulture
management goes in the picking up of the mature larvae for mounting. The
duration of mounting period is quite variable. Duration of the moulting from
beginning to end may vary between 48-72 hours. This implies that labour must be
available continuously all through the period (day and night) of moulting.
Application of exogenous ecdysoids helps in the synchronization and reducing
the time for spinning. Its application hastens the maturation without affecting
the quality and yield of silk. Application of ecdysoids synchronizes and shortens the period of moulting to 18-24
hours. This helps considerably in the management of sericulture and
reduces the cost of labour. Hastening
the moulting period also contributes in the reduction in the consumption in the
feeding of mulberry leaves without affecting the yield of silk fibre. Use of
juvenoids on the other hand, tend to keep the fifth instar silkworm young by
extending the larval period and increasing the silk secretion. It postpones the
spinning stage by few hours. Thus when applied judiciously, IGRs can contribute
significantly in increasing the silk production.
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Sampoorna-A commercial phytoecdysoid |
Ecdysoids and their analogs (called
phytoecdysones) occur in significant quantities in many indigenous plant
sources. A simple bioassay based on sclerotization of house fly last-instar
larvae was developed. Several hundred extracts from plants were screened
following this bioassay. Initiation of the sclerotization within 24 hr of
treatment was indicative of presence of phytoecdysoids (PEC). PECs were
isolated following activity- guided
fractionation of plant extracts and active principles were isolated . More
recently, non-biological methods based on chromatographic, spectroscopic and
LC/MS methods have been developed in our laboratory for quick identification
and quantification of PECs and their analogs. A convenient method for their
isolation has been developed (patent pending). Results of our screening of plant extracts show that PECs have wide occurrence in plant
kingdom. In collaboration with CSRTI,
Mysore, optimum time and dose of application of PEC have been established.
Commercially viable sources of PECs have been discovered for possible
application in sericulture industry and other applications such as food
supplement (nutraceuticals). Commercially viable process for preparation of PEC
in large scale has been developed.
Application of PEC in the farmers
fields have established that there is considerable savings in labour cost . In
countries like China, Japan, France, IGRs are in regular use in sericulture.
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Amrutha- a commercial phytoecdysoid |
Formulations with PECs as active
constituents have found use as health promoting products. PECs do not have
adverse effects on human health even at gram levels. They show
anabolic activities and are useful constituents in many commercial food
preparations. They are useful adjunct for fortifying many of the currently used
beverages and food supplements. They are popular in many countries as natural
body building agents. In addition they show a variety of biological
applications such as molecular switches, and have potential use in researches
on gene expression and related studies.
The juvenile hormone (JH) activity of
plant extracts/isolated compounds were determined using 5Th instar
nymph of red cotton bugs (Dysdercus
koenigii). Juvenoids are analogs
of insect juvenile hormones. Several compounds, showing JH activities have been
found in many common plants. Application
of JH’s to silk worm prolongs the larval period. Synthetic JH analogs are in use in sericulture industries
in countries such as Japan, China. There is no commercial Indian source for juvenoids.
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Samrudhi- a commercial juvenoid |
Imported synthetic JH analogs are
expensive. Hence there is a need for identification of cost effective JH formulation for improving silk
productivity. Several sources JH analogs from plants have been identified in our
laboratory and isolation and characterization of the active principles have
been carried out. Eco-friendly economic process for their preparation has also been
developed by our laboratory. Based on existing information, it can be predicted
that use of IGRs will give a boost to sericulture industry.
IGRs are in use in many countries in sericulture, aquaculture and
apiculture. They are in great demand for body building formulations and
cosmeceutical preparations. Indian farmers have realised the beneficial effects
of IGRs and some preparations have appeared in the market. As a result of our
studies several plant –based sources for PECs and JHA have been discovered.
Protocols for their application have been developed. Detailed information on
the sources, quality control and applications of indigenous IGRs is available
for commercial exploitation. Entrepreneurs
interested in the commercial exploitation of these products for sericulture,
food supplement or as biochemical tool
are welcome to contact me at Amrita School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
banerjiasoke@gmail.com or mobile +91 9895527851.
Select list of publications of Dr. A. Banerji
1. A. Banerji, G.
J. Chintalwar and M. S. Chadha, Isolation of Ecdysterone from Indian
Plants, Phytochemistry, 10, 2225 (1971)
2. A. Banerji
and G. J. Chintalwar, Phytoecdysones and Flavonol Glycoside from Sesuvium
portulacastrum, Indian J. Chem.,9, 1029 (1971).
3. A. T.
Sipahimalni, A. Banerji and M. S. Chadha, Biosynthesis and
Interconversion of Phytoecdysones in Sesuvium portulacastrum L. J.
Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 692 (1972).
4. A. Banerji and
G. J. Chintalwar, Biosynthesis of Bakuchiol, A Meroterpene from Psoralea
corylifolia Phytochemistry, 22, 1945 (1983).
5. A. Banerji and
G. J. Chintalwar, Biosynthesis of Bakuchiol from Cinnamic and p-Coumaric
acids. Phytochemistry, 23, 1605 (1984).
N. K. Joshi, K.
M. Lathika, A. Banerji and M. S. Chadha, Effects of Plumbagin on
Prothoracic glands of Dysdercus cingulatus
in "Endocrinological Frontiers in Physiological Insect Ecology"
(Eds. F. Sehnal, A. Zabra and D.L. Denglinger) Technical University Press,
Wroclaw (Poland) pp. 69 (1988).
7. N. K. Joshi, K.
M. Lathika, A. Banerji and , M. S. Chadha, Effect of plumbagin on
Growth and Development of Red Cotton Bug, Dydercus Koenigii, Proc.
Indian Natn. Sci. Acad., B54, 43 (1988).
8. V. Ramakrishnan,
G. J. Chintalwar and A. Banerji, Environmental Persistance of Diallyl
Disulphide, an Insecticidal Principle of Garlic and its Metabolism in
Mosquito, Culex pipens Quinquifaciatus Chemosphere, 18,
1525 (1989).
9. A. Banerji and
G. J. Chintalwar, Fate of Leucine in the Biosynthesis of Bakuchiol, a
Meroterpene from Psoralea corylifolia. Indian J. Biochem.
Biphys., 26 394 (1989).
D. L. Luthria,
V. Ramakrishnan, G. S. Verma, B. R. Prabhu and A. Banerji, Insect
Antifeedants for Atalantia racemosa. J. Agric. and Food
Chem. 37, 1435 (1989).
57. N. K. Joshi,
K. M. Lathika, V. Ramakrishnan, A. Banerji and M. S. Chadha,
Plumbagin-Induced Inhibition of Ovary Development in Dysdercus
cingulatus. in "Regulation of Insect Reproduction
IV', Eds. M. Tonner, T. Soldan, B. Bennettova, Academia Publishing
House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Praha, pp. 287 (1989).
A. Banerji,
Radiosynthesis of 35S-Labelled Bioactive Compounds and their Metabolics, Proceedings
of national symposium on nuclear techniques in the study of pesticides in food
agriculture and environment, The University of Acultural Science,
Hebbal, Bangalore Feb. 8-10, 1989.
A. Banerji,
Insect control by biotechnical procedures - Lessons from plant kingdom, in “Insect
Chemical Ecology” (Ed. I. Hrdy), Academia Praha, pp. 235.
Banerji, Biotechnical Potential of Natural Products, Bioelectrochemistry
and Bioenergetics, 27, 105 (1992).
A. Banerji,
Insect Plant Interactions: Natural Insect Control Agents, Recent
Advances in Insect Physiology and Toxicology, 41, Ed. G.T. Gujar, Agricole
Publishing Academy, Delhi, (1993).
A. Banerji in
Role of Allelochemicals in the Ecodynamics of Insects and Plants. "Biochemical
Perspectives in Chemical Ecology of Insects", ed. T. N.
Ananthakrishnan, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 000 (1995).
G. R.
Shivakumar, K. V. Anantha Raman, K. Venkata Rami Reddy, S. B. Magadum, R. K.
Datta, S. S. Hussain. A. Banerji and S. K. Chowdhury, Effect of
Photoecdysteroids on Larval Maturation and Economic Parameters of the Silkworm,
Bombyx mori., Indian J. Seric., 34, 46, (1995).
G. R. Shivkumar,
K.V.A. Raman, S.B. Magadum, R.K. Datta, S.S. Hussain, A. Banerji and S.K.
Chowdhary, Effect of Phytoecdysteroids on the Spinning, Cocoon and
Reeling Parameters of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L., Allelopathy
Journal, 3, 71, (1996).
Note: To read another related article on phytojuvenoid published earlier in this journal, CLICK HERE
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