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Saturday, 17 May 2008

Kerala’s SERISREE project for poverty eradication through sericulture promotion

The Kerala State Sericulture Co operative Federation (SERIFED), Kerala, India has launched a poverty eradication project in the state, through intensive promotion of sericulture among the people Below Poverty Line. The federation receives financial support from the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) of the Government of India. Under the SGSY, assistance is given to the poor families living below the poverty line in rural areas for taking up self employment. The persons taking up Self-Employment are called swarozgaris. They may take up the activity either individually or in Groups, called the Self-Help Groups. For successful Self-Employment, it is necessary to take up the right activity. For this purpose, 4 to 5 activities are selected in each Block with the help of officials, non-officials and the Bankers. These are called ‘Key Activities’, and should be such that they give the Swarozgaris an income of Rs. 2000 per month, net of Bank loan repayment.

The SERISREE project is formulated by SERIFED by following the example of the KUDUMBASREE project run by the state government. The major objectives of the project are to eradicate poverty through promotion of gainful employment and additional income generating opportunities through sericulture, to ensure economic empowerment of rural women and small & marginal farmers, to ensure sustainable development of sericulture industry, to exploit available natural resources to the best advantage of sericulture sector, to promote lease farming in the State as there is not sufficient cultivable land under the ownership of people below poverty line, to provide necessary technological support for the stabilisation of the activity, to popularise small scale sericulture farming ie, homestead sericulture farming system, to effectively utilise wasteland of Institution/Estates/Government etc.

The project includes five major components viz. Assistance for Establishment of Mulberry Kissan Nurseries, Assistance to Individual Sericulturists, Establishment of Chawki Rearing-cum- Input Service Centres, Setting up of Disinfection Squad and Establishment of Silk Reeling Infrastructure. These five components are expected to complement each other and serve as a strong back bone to the scheme implementation by way of creating a congenial circumstance for wholesome development of the sericulture industry in the rural sector involving BPL families. The total project cost is 14.32 crores. The basic unit is designated as a Field Operating Unit (FOU), consisting of four BPL beneficiaries together managing one acre mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing. Since the BPL beneficiaries can’t be expected to possess own land, the cultivation will be taken up in leased land. A financial assistance to the tune of nearly Rs. 1lakh is proposed under various heads for each FOU. Later Self Help Groups are constituted by such five FOUS, forming a group of 20 members. It is expected that the SERISREE project will be a turning point in Kerala’s sericulture.

Under the project it is expected to bring in 1000 acres of fresh mulberry plantations and a matching cocoon production. The entire activity is proposed to create employment opportunities to the tune of 59 lakhs man days in three years.

Kerala State Sericulture Co-operative Federation (Serifed) was established as a nodal agency for implementing sericulture activities in the State. Sericulture in Kerala is based on small-holdings, low investment and family labor oriented; moderate income generating and a subsidy oriented one. The major strategies of Serifed during 2008-09 are promotion of new mulberry varieties suitable for Kerala conditions, cluster approach of sericulture development of potential areas, active involvement of local self Government institutions, development of 100% Bivoltine sericulture, implementation of women empowerment scheme etc.


Anonymous said...

Hi GK,
Your topic is really gives ample insight to me with resect to the sericulture. I am planning to start an extensive sericulture farming and theprocess is undergoing very fast. Pl advice me further on the matter.

Anonymous said...

I can definitely help you with any information you want or technical guidance. pl let me know your mail ID and detailed address. You are welcome

Unknown said...

Dear Gk,

I am interested in doing Sericulture farming and Processing. Do you have any project report to provide me a complete picuture on this venture. ( like cost, profit, risk, suitable location etc.). I am from Kannur district, Kerala). My email id is Thanks

Unknown said...

please add more manzoor malappuram

Anonymous said...

Hello Rajesh,

Good Day.
Nice article.
Please keep up the good work.

Love always.

Jaleel Malik

Anonymous said...

Great Article Mr. Rajesh. Is it possible to rear silkworms in Neyyardam? Please reply soon.

karthik said...

Hi Gk,
Thanks for your message.
Whether you have any project reports to submit for the banks about this project sericulture.If any please mail me at
Am soo much interested in rearing silkworms

Anonymous said...

hai , i would like to know more about sericulture.i am based at trichur. can u pls call me on 9846147511

Unknown said...

Nice effort.Congrats.It is better to post more details on the real performance.Also pl.add data if available.

ashraf said...

Hai GKR,

i am too much impressed and to wish to start a 10 Acre farm at trivandrum district
'Pls Pls help me to adopt sericulture.

Ashraf. P.P

Unknown said...

Dear readers ....Please read the article and comment.

The effort made is appreciable. This may first of this kind from Kerala

Unknown said...

am planning to visit Kerala with my son (STd 6) end July and would love to visit a sericulture farm so as to get an insight into the technique (Fiber to Fabric). I would also like my son to see it.

Can you mail me additional info on this please.
email preferred

Anonymous said...

Hi GK,

I'm interested in sericulture farming and it's processes. With your expertise, how much land is needed to start a good size sericulture and moriculture farm????? If possible, can you also provide me a sample project report so I can have an idea on what kind of challenges are ahead. I have read bits and pieces of info on sericulture but it's still not very clear to me. I am also thinking of buying a land for that but I don't even know how much land is needed for establishing a good sericulture/moriculture farm. I am seriously interested and the info you're willing to share will be a great help. Please email me at

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Hi Gk
I am from adimali Idukki dt.i have 5 acres of land and I am interested in sericulture.Kindly send project report and tech guidance to email.


Anonymous said...

Dear Gk,

I am interested in doing Sericulture farming and Processing. Do you have any project report to provide me a complete picuture on this venture. ( like cost, profit, risk, suitable location etc.). I am from Kottayam district, Kerala). My email id is Thanks

prathibha said...

Hi, I am Prathibha from palakkad.I passed B sc in sericulture.what are the job opertunities in kerala?

prathibha said...

Hi, I am Prathibha from palakkad.I passed B sc in sericulture.what are the job opertunities in kerala?

SILKWORK e-journal said...

Dear Prathibha, nice to read your comment and to know that you studied sericulture. I am sorry to inform you that at present there are no job opportunities available for a sericulture graduate in Kerala. Neither with government, nor with private corporates. I wish to know from where you graduated and which course. mail me


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SIJO K JOSEPH · Jan 5, 2020

Can anybody tell me sericulture farmers in Kottayam and Idukki district...or any district in kerala.
It would be great if I get their phone number ..

Anonymous · Aug 18, 2011

Can you please send me any cotact numbers of silk worm rearing centres in and around ernakulam to my mail

Revathi · Aug 28, 2010

Hi GK,
i would like to start sericulture farming and the process.plz provide any sample project report to me.



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