Scientific Advisor, Council for Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection, CONCEPT, India
This blog covers the entire domain of sericulture. It is designed for providing a common platform for discussion between scientists, policy makers and students in the field. reproduction of content from this blog with due acknowledgement is encouraged.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Effect of supplementing mulberry leaves with Phyllanthus emblica L. fruit extract on the silkworm Bombyx mori L
Scientific Advisor, Council for Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection, CONCEPT, India
Sameh El Sawy · June 27, 2011Dear Sirs,
My name is Sameh El Sawy, the Owner & CEO of a private enterprise in Egypt.
As a result of the recent great Egyptian revolution, I am willing to start immediately a new project in Egypt on a wide scale for regional development and decreasing environmental pollution.
Right now I am in the process of starting the project as follows:
- Cultivating mulberry trees using Treated Waste Water.
- Sericulture & rearing of silk worms to produce cocoons.
- Producing high quality silk and utilization of mulberry functional substances.
I really appreciate your cooperation to recommend a Professor in Moriculture and silkworm Breeding and Rearing to work with me as a Consultant for mulberry cultivation, sericulture & silk production.
Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Sameh El Sawy
++2 – 016 720 9 620

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