This blog covers the entire domain of sericulture. It is designed for providing a common platform for discussion between scientists, policy makers and students in the field. reproduction of content from this blog with due acknowledgement is encouraged.

Disclaimer / About Us

SILKWORM is one of the first e-journals on Indian silk industry started in the late 1990’s while social media was still emerging. This is not a purely scholarly journal, but intended for dissemination of latest news, research and findings in the industry to students, researchers, farmers and general public interested in silk.


The Silkworm [] do not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the excellence, accurateness, completeness, legitimacy, reliability or value of any information, product or service represented on The Silkworm []. The information provided on this weblog is for educational or related purposes only. Anyone using the information on The Silkworm [], does so at his or her own risk, and by using such information agrees to indemnify The Silkworm [], and its content contributors from any and all responsibility, loss, damage, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses), resulting from such use.
The Silkworm publishes articles and photographs received from voluntary authors. The scientific accuracy of the information and authenticity and ownership of the article as well as the photographs is not checked by The Silkworm. The individual authors only will be responsible for any copy wright (violation) related issues pertaining to the write up and photographs.
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